
Consultations offered at our six convenient locations in Beverly Hills, Alhambra, Irvine, Fremont, Dublin, CA and Bellevue, WA

Labiaplasty Beverly Hills

As women age, the entire body loses its elasticity and tone. Excess tissue or skin in the vaginal area is a common problem, specifically in the labia minora (small vaginal lips or inner lips) or labia majora (outer vaginal lips). This condition can develop as a result of age and gravity, following childbirth, or be inherited.

Excess tissue in the labia minor causes them to protrude beyond the labia majora (large vaginal lips). This excess tissue can cause irritation and discomfort during physical activity while inserting tampons or having sexual intercourse. The Labia majora can also become stretched out for a variety of reasons. Both the labia minora and majora can be reduced and tightened and are both physically more attractive and no longer cause physical discomfort or embarrassment at inopportune times. Dr. Liu performs cosmetic genital surgery and surgery for congenital defects or abnormalities.



What Is Labiaplasty?

For those who have never heard of labiaplasty before, it can be considered a facelift procedure for your labia. With age, gravity, and pregnancy, the labia majora or labia minora can get stretched out easily. This may cause significant discomfort when wearing clothes because the stretched-out and floppy labia catch onto the underwear or simply gets in the way. It may also be very embarrassing during intimacy. Vaginal tightening in Los Angeles is quickly becoming the de facto choice for many who care about their appearances, including their privates, and would like to do something about it.

Who Would Undergo A Labiaplasty Procedure?

Because of all the advancements in medical knowledge and surgical technique, labiaplasty is a safe and simple solution to a woman’s body image concerns and discomfort in the genital area. Many are burdened with the incessant pressure of always being under the microscope, especially when they are exposed and feeling vulnerable. It affects women in all spheres of life. The seemingly innocuous problem, such as an elongated labia, has caused many women an extraordinary amount of unnecessary stress, embarrassment, and low self-esteem. It can also make a women’s underwear feel very uncomfortable, especially if they live an active lifestyle.

Labiaplasty is a fast, safe, and effective way to deal with and eliminate this emotional stress and physical discomfort. You can make your labia look rejuvenated and normal and be able to wear sexy underwear without shame or discomfort.

How Is A Labiaplasty Performed?

A labioplasty procedure is a relatively painless but effective procedure. Small incisions are made to remove any excess tissue or to even the edges of either the labia minora and/or labia majora, resulting in symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing labia. Following surgery, there may be minor discomfort with normal to occasionally enhanced sensation in the labia. It is usually an outpatient surgery, which means patients return home after surgery and can resume normal everyday activities.

Typically there is minimal or no bruising. Avoid sexual activities for 7-10 days after the surgery. There are no stitches to be removed, and you can shower the next day (one day after surgery). There is only minimal pain that is mostly gone by the next day, and any discomfort is usually well controlled by medications. Mild to moderate swelling is common after this procedure, and peaks two to three days after surgery, then rapidly disappears over the next three weeks.

So many of us struggle with weight issues, body image, and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. At Avant Aesthetics, those who continue the struggle can get real answers to their questions and find out about putting some of their more obvious body-image concerns to rest.