Facial Feminization

Consultations offered at our six convenient locations in Beverly Hills, Alhambra, Irvine, Fremont, Dublin, CA and Bellevue, WA

Facial Feminization Beverly Hills

Facial feminization is a customizable collection of procedures that can help you achieve a softer, more feminine facial profile after transitioning from male to female. Face and neck feminization may require several procedures based on your facial structure, including a tracheal shave, a lip lift, jaw recontouring, nose reshaping, brow lift, or cheek augmentation. We understand how crucial your facial structure is for accurately representing your true gender identity. Although many transgender individuals would like to transition, only 25% have the resources to do so, meaning many people go with their needs unmet. (1) 

At Avant Aesthetics, we believe everyone deserves the ability to express themselves accurately, and for this reason, we offer customizable collections of facial treatments to help patients bridge the gap. Avant Aesthetics works only with the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills for facial feminization.

Contact our office or call (626) 600-8582 to learn more about how we can help you achieve results at our office in Beverly Hills, Pasadena, or Costa Mesa.

About Facial Feminization

For facial feminization, we can assess common treatment areas such as the forehead, eyes, eyebrows, nose, chin, midface, and hairline commonly associated with masculine traits (1) to create a plan that helps you achieve your desired look. Facial feminization is an important part of living a life that is aligned with your identity so you can accurately express yourself. Facial features such as the eyes, nose shape, brows, hair length, and skin texture all affect the presentation of your femininity. (2) We offer several types of facial feminization treatments and we can discuss the procedure in depth during your consultation to ensure we can create a treatment plan that meets your needs.

Facial Feminization Treatments

We offer several different types of procedures to help you achieve your aesthetic goals and will work with you closely to develop a plan that meets your preferences:

  • Brow Lift: We can adjust your facial contour and eliminate sagging skin on the forehead and wrinkles that affect your perceived age with a discrete incision along your hairline. Adjusting the skin above your brows can help you achieve a softer, more feminine look.
  • Rhinoplasty: The nose is one of the most defining facial features, and we can adjust its contour to help you achieve a more delicate nose shape by removing excess cartilage and bone.
  • Jaw Contouring: If you have a naturally strong jaw, we can soften it by reducing the size of the masseter muscles– the muscles on either side of the jaw.
  • Chin & Cheek Augmentation: We can balance your facial proportions by adding volume to your chin and cheeks with implants for a softer, plumper, more feminine look.
  • Lip Enhancement: Our dermal fillers designed for soft tissue can help you improve the contour of your lips for a smoother, softer, plumper lip line and natural volume.

Facial Feminization Benefits

After a facial feminization procedure, you can enjoy:

  • Improved self-confidence: Enhancing your feminine features can help you achieve a look that reflects how you feel on the inside.
  • Gender-affirming care: You can enjoy finally feeling comfortable in a body that aligns with your gender expression.
  • Social acceptance: Patients often find it easier to navigate social situations and relationships when they feel comfortable in their skin.
  • Natural-looking results: We take care during your consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and create a procedural plan that aligns with them.
  • Immediate, customizable results: We can customize your procedure and help you achieve your desired results by tailoring our collection of facial procedures to your needs.

Every facial feminization procedure is unique to the individual. Each person’s procedure and results reflect their individual circumstances, strengthening their empowerment journey.


Suitable candidates for facial feminization would like to emphasize their softer features. The treatment is especially helpful for people who recently underwent a gender transition procedure. Patients should have realistic expectations about the procedure and what they can achieve. During your consultation, we can assess your aesthetic goals to determine the best types of procedures for your needs. Please come prepared with photographs to reference for your ideal look. The best candidates:

  • Wish to feel and look more feminine
  • Are non-smokers who take good care of their bodies
  • Have been experiencing gender dysphoria


During your consultation at Avant Aesthetics, you will discuss your medical history and specific goals regarding facial feminization. This meeting is critical in establishing a personalized surgical plan that meets your desires while ensuring safety and efficacy. We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your facial structure, assess specific contouring needs, and guide you through what to expect post-surgery.

Creating an individualized treatment strategy is crucial. Patients may benefit from combining multiple techniques to achieve desired effects. Our team is prepared to discuss financing options and any insurance inquiries during this informative visit. Please contact us to take the first step toward refining your appearance.

Schedule your consultation at Avant Aesthetics in Beverly Hills, Pasadena, or Costa Mesa.

How to Prepare for Facial Feminization

To prepare for facial feminization, you will need to:

  • Stop taking medications and supplements that thin your blood
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds that could damage your skin
  • Delay any chemical peels or intense medspa treatments
  • Stop smoking for 6 weeks before and after your facial feminization treatment

You will need to arrive at the office in comfortable clothing and arrange for someone to drive you home afterward. Taking care of your skin will be essential for achieving the best results after the treatment. Patient adherence to preparatory steps maximizes safety and satisfaction while promoting outstanding results.


Facial feminization surgery unfolds over several stages tailored to your preferences. Anesthesia may be administered, providing comfort throughout the entire procedure. Each stage addresses specific features enhancing femininity to achieve cohesive results.

Patients undergoing combined procedures can expect a duration extending several hours depending on their individualized requirements.

Recovery & Results

Your recovery will depend on the specific procedures you have. However, you can expect some swelling around incision sites for a few days after your procedure. We will provide instructions for your specific procedure to help you recover. After facial feminization, you can enjoy a softer, more feminine facial profile that reflects your gender identity and helps you express yourself more accurately.

Gender-Affirming Surgery

MTF Brazilian Butt Lift

A male-to-female Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that can help you achieve rounder buttocks and a more feminine form after gender transition. During the procedure, we can harvest fat with a fat transfer from an area of your body where you have excess fatty deposits that you wish to eliminate. We can prepare and inject it into the buttocks for a perkier look that does not require synthetic materials.

MTF Breast Surgery

If you desire larger breasts, our male-to-female breast surgery can help you achieve a smoother, curvier body contour and rounder, perkier breasts. We can use different types of breast implants to help you achieve a body shape that feels more comfortable and more like you. We provide many different shapes and sizes of implants depending on your aesthetic preferences to help you achieve your ideal breast size and shape.


Feminizing liposuction is a specialized surgical procedure designed to assist individuals in achieving a more feminine body contour. This procedure targets specific areas where excess fat may be stored, allowing for enhanced body proportions in alignment with one’s gender identity. Common target areas for this procedure include the abdomen, hips, thighs, and potential framing of the buttocks. Traditionally, feminizing liposuction provides crucial waist reduction while also augmenting certain areas to create well-balanced curves.

The Cost of Facial Feminization in Pasadena

The cost of facial feminization will depend on the details of your procedure. We may recommend additional treatments depending on your aesthetic goals. We can discuss your needs and create a customized plan that helps you achieve them.

Contact our office in Beverly Hills, Pasadena, or Costa Mesa, or call us at (626) 600-8582 to learn more about how facial feminization can improve your quality of life


How long will facial feminization take?

The length of your procedure will depend on the types of facial procedures you have. If you need several, we can discuss both the procedure time and recovery time during your consultation. 

Will I have scars after facial feminization?

We take care to make discrete incisions along your hairline. Although you will have a delicate scar, you can easily conceal it behind your hair.

Can I combine facial feminization with other procedures?

Yes, you can combine facial feminization procedures with body contouring as well. We offer many different procedures to help you take care of your body and accurately express your gender identity. We can discuss your aesthetic goals during your consultation to create a plan that meets your needs.

Will I need another facial feminization procedure in the future to maintain my results?

Although you can accomplish your goals with just one appointment, as you age and your face changes you may need an additional procedure to maintain your results.


  1. Dang BN, Hu AC, Bertrand AA, et al. Evaluation and treatment of facial feminization surgery: part I. forehead, orbits, eyebrows, eyes, and nose. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2021;48(5):503-510. doi:https://doi.org/10.5999/aps.2021.00199 
  2. Hoss RA, Ramsey JL, Griffin AM, Langlois JH. The Role of Facial Attractiveness and Facial Masculinity/Femininity in Sex Classification of Faces. Perception. 2005;34(12):1459-1474. doi:https://doi.org/10.1068/p5154